[物地介紹] 黑湖、貓頭鷹、儲思盆


黑湖 The Great Lake

New from J.K. Rowling

The grounds of Hogwarts function partly as a nature reserve for magical creatures which have difficulty existing in Muggle-inhabited areas.


The lake is full of creatures that would make a Muggle naturalist swoon with delight - if terror did not seize them first. There are Grindylows (vicious little water demons), merpeople (of a hardy Scottish strain) and a giant squid, which is semi-domesticated and permits students to tickle its tentacles on sunny days, when it basks in the shallows.


Giant squid genuinely exist, though they are most mysterious creatures. Although their extraordinary bodies have been washed up all over the world, it was not until 2006 that a live giant squid was captured on film by Muggles. I strongly suspect them of having magical powers.


J.K. Rowling’s Thoughts

The lake is the setting for the second task that the Triwizard competitors must face in Goblet of Fire, which is also my favourite task. I find it satisfyingly creepy; I like the diversity of the methods employed by the competitors to breathe underwater, and I enjoyed plumbing the depths of a part of the grounds that had never been seen before. In the original draft of Chamber of Secrets, I had Harry and Ron crash into the lake in Mr Weasley's Ford Anglia, and meet the merpeople there for the first time. At that time I had a vague notion that the lake might lead to other places, and that the merpeople might play a larger role in the later books than they did, so I thought that Harry ought to be introduced to both at this stage. However, the Whomping Willow provided a more satisfying, less distracting crash, and served a later purpose in Prisoner of Azkaban, too. The Great Lake (which is really a Scottish loch, apparently freshwater and landlocked) never did develop as a portal to other seas or rivers, although the appearance of the Durmstrang ship from its depths in Goblet of Fire hints at the fact that if you are travelling by an enchanted craft, you might be able to take a magical shortcut to other waterways.



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嗜字狂安琦拉 @Musicy_


貓頭鷹 Owls

Owls are magical creatures most often used for delivering post and parcels in the wizarding world. They are known for their speed and discretion and can find recipients without an address. First-year students are allowed to bring them to school as pets.


New from J.K. Rowling

The old British superstition that it is unlucky to see owls flying by daylight is readily explained, for when wizards break cover to send messages by day, something dramatic must be afoot in the magical world. Muggles may subsequently experience the unpleasant aftershocks, without any idea of their cause.


As a (mostly) nocturnal bird of prey, the owl is inevitably seen as sinister by Muggles, but it has been a faithful servant and helpmeet to witches and wizards for many centuries. In spite of the many alternatives available for magical communication across long distances, (including Patronuses, Floo powder, and enchanted devices such as mirrors and even coins) the faithful and reliable owl remains the most common method used by wizardkind across the world.


The advantages of owls as messengers are those very qualities that make Muggles view them with suspicion: they operate under cover of darkness, to which Muggles have a superstitious aversion; they have exceptionally well-developed night vision, are agile, stealthy and capable of aggression when challenged. So numerous are the owls employed by wizards worldwide that it is generally safe to assume that virtually all of them are either the property of the Owl Postal Service of their country, or of an individual witch or wizard.


Whether because they possess an innate bent for magic (just as pigs are reputed to be innately non-magical), or because generations of their ancestors have been domesticated and trained by wizards and they have inherited the traits that make this easy, owls learn very quickly, and seem to thrive on their task of tracing and tracking the witch or wizard for whom their letters are intended.


The mystical association between the name and the human who bears it has long been understood by witches and wizards of all cultures. While the process remains mysterious even to those who train up owlets to become wizarding pets or postal owls, the birds appear to be able to make such a connection between the name and its possessor that enables them to trace the witch or wizard concerned wherever he or she may be. An owl does not need to know an address, although witches and wizards generally add the place to the envelope on the off-chance that the owl is intercepted and the letter falls into other hands.


Should a witch or wizard not wish to be sent letters (or tracked in any other way), he or she will have to resort to Repelling, Disguising or Masking Spells, of which there are a great range. It is possible to protect yourself from all correspondence, or all but that carried by a specific owl. If a witch or wizard is determined not to be contactable by a persistent creditor or ex-boy or girlfriend, they might try a masking spell specific to that person, but this ploy is easily circumnavigated by asking somebody else to send the owl. In general, it takes strong protective magic, and a willingness to forego a lot of birthday cards, to avoid the attentions of Owl Post.

若一個人不希望收到信件、或在任何情況下被找到,他或她必須使用驅逐咒(Repelling Spell)、偽裝咒(Disguising Spell)或遮蔽咒(Mask Spell)──方法極多。你能夠藉此杜絕所有通訊,也能單純只接收來自特定貓頭鷹的訊息。若一個女巫或巫師下定決心不跟很有毅力的債權人或前任男女朋友有所瓜葛,他們可以嘗試針對特定對象使用遮蔽咒,但這個方法也很容易失靈,因為他們只要請他人幫忙派送貓頭鷹就行了。總括而言,要避免收到貓頭鷹郵務會需要很強大的保護性魔法,而且願意放棄大量的生日賀卡。

Trained owls are expensive, and it is quite usual for a wizarding family to share a single owl, or else only use Postal owls.


嗜字狂安琦拉 @Musicy_


J.K. Rowling’s Thoughts

My love of, and fascination with, owls long pre-dates the first idea for Harry Potter. I trace it to a cuddly owl toy that my mother made me when I was six or seven, which I adored.


Of course, owls have been associated with magic for a long time, and feature in many old illustrations of witches and wizards, second only to cats as Most Magical Creature. The owl's association with wisdom was established in Roman times, for it is the emblem of Minerva, goddess of wisdom.


Owl breeds shown within the Harry Potter books include the eagle owl (large, tufted and fierce-looking, owned by Draco Malfoy); the Little Owl (tiny, cute, but perhaps not very impressive, like Pigwidgeon, owned by Ron); and the Snowy Owl, which is also known as the Ghost Owl (Harry's Hedwig).

在《哈利波特》系列中出現的貓頭鷹品種包括雕鴞(巨大、毛髮叢生、長相銳利,為跩哥•馬份所有)、小鴞(袖珍又可愛,但恐怕不很令人滿意,就像小豬,為榮恩所有),及雪鴞,也被稱為鬼魅貓頭鷹(Ghost Owl),就像哈利的嘿美。

I made a few elementary mistakes when it came to my depiction of Hedwig. Firstly, Snowy Owls are diurnal (ie, they fly by day). Secondly, they are virtually mute, so Hedwig's frequent hoots and chirrups of approval and comfort should be taken as signs of her magically enhanced abilities. Thirdly, as countless well-meaning owl-lovers and experts kept writing to me in the early days, owls do not eat bacon (Hedwig enjoys a bit of bacon rind when she delivers post at breakfast).


When I dreamed up Errol, the aged, long-suffering and overworked Weasley family owl, I had in mind a picture I thought I had seen, which featured a very comical, large, fluffy, grey, bewildered-looking bird whose breed I had never known. In fact, I wondered whether it had been a real photograph, or whether imagination was distorting the image. It was with sheer delight, therefore, that I rounded a corner on my first ever visit to the aviary at Leavesden Studios, where they were filming Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and saw a line of big, grey, fluffy, bewildered-looking owls blinking back at me, each an exact replica of the half-remembered picture I thought I might have dreamed. They were all playing Errol, and they are Great Greys.

當我寫到愛洛,那隻年老、經歷磨難又過度工作的衛斯理家貓頭鷹,我心中出現一張我以為我看過的圖片:一隻滑稽、龐大、毛茸茸、灰色又長相困惑的貓頭鷹,但我並不知道那個品種。事實上,我還懷疑那是張真正的照片,或那只是想像力扭曲後的結果。因此當我第一次參觀Leavesden Studios(拍攝《哈利波特:神秘的魔法石》的地方),在他們的鳥舍發現一整排與我腦中那個半是記得、半是憑空幻想出的畫面中一模一樣的貓頭鷹對我眨著眼時,我感到極致的愉悅。牠們是烏林鴞,全都扮演愛洛。


嗜字狂安琦拉 @Musicy_


儲思盆 The Pensieve

A Pensieve is an object used to store and review memories.

New from J.K. Rowling

A Pensieve is a wide and shallow dish made of metal or stone, often elaborately decorated or inlaid with precious stones, and carrying powerful and complex enchantments. Pensieves are rare, because only the most advanced wizards ever use them, and because the majority of wizardkind is afraid of doing so.


The perceived dangers of the Pensieve relate to its power over memory or thought. The Pensieve is enchanted to recreate memories so that they become re-liveable, taking every detail stored in the subconscious and recreating it faithfully, so that either the owner, or (and herein lies the danger) a second party, is able to enter the memories and move around within them. Inevitably, those with things to hide, those ashamed of their pasts, those eager to keep hold of their secrets, or protective of their privacy, will be wary of an object like the Pensieve.


Even more difficult than the recreation of memories is the use of a Pensieve to examine and sort thoughts and ideas, and very few wizards have the ability to do so. Albus Dumbledore is seen using the Hogwarts Pensieve in this way, notably in Chapter Thirty of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, when he adds thoughts to the Pensieve and Harry's face turns into Snape's; Dumbledore is reminding himself of the hidden connection between Snape and Harry (that Snape was in love with Harry's mother, and is now - though immensely grudgingly - honour-bound to protect him).


Traditionally, a witch or wizard's Pensieve, like their wand, is buried with them, as it is considered an intensely personal artefact; any thoughts or memories left inside the Pensieve are likewise interred with their owner, unless he or she has requested otherwise. The Hogwarts Pensieve, however, belongs not to any individual but to the school. It has been used by a long line of headmasters and headmistresses, who have also left behind their life experience in the form of memories. This forms an invaluable library of reference for the headmaster or headmistress of the day.


The Hogwarts Pensieve is made of ornately carved stone and is engraved with modified Saxon runes, which mark it as an artefact of immense antiquity that pre-dates the creation of the school. One (unsubstantiated) legend says that the founders discovered the Pensieve half-buried in the ground on the very spot where they decided to erect their school.


The name 'Pensieve' is a homonym of 'pensive', meaning deeply, seriously thoughtful; but it also a pun, the 'sieve' part of the word alluding to the object's function of sorting meanings from a mass of thoughts or memories.





芙默思 @carlleia



嗜字狂安琦拉 @Musicy_



經芙默思提醒我還是去加備註好了>< 謝謝!

璃音衛斯理 @tanya127





莉莉恩 @Love0427




嗜字狂安琦拉 @Musicy_


謝謝璃音的抓錯! 立刻改!


也沒有很細心啦(?) 只是希望翻得還算得體可以讓大家都看得懂!


瑞琪兒 @fish231618



獨角獸 @phoenixhsu


Iris @iris1988722

我一直以為儲思盆是鄧不利多的東西 原來屬於學校~

eliza @eliza291357

哈利也能使用儲思盆 所以代表哈利也法力高超嗎?
話說一提到儲思盆就想到石內卜 他的記憶就是最好的證明
還有關於瑞斗的黑暗記憶 這真的比甚麼攝影機都好用多了

冰池 @linda88319


