【原創】藥與咒Cure And Curse-HP百合向同人(英文/中文,不定時更新)









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偶爾浮水的瑪莉娜 @sunny1255



Prologue #2
Bird and Feathers #3
Interlude I #6
ButterBeer #7
Claws #9
Gem #10
Interlude II #11



偶爾浮水的瑪莉娜 @sunny1255

April, 5, 5523

The star covered the dark night, the sound of quick footsteps climbing up to stairs of the villa of the Lechat family.

“Lechat?” A mystic woman who was dressed in a dirty coat knocked on the door, hugged something inside her arms. “Lechat? Are you there?“
Soon, the door opened a gap. A man answered the door. He was wearing glasses, very handsome, and his demeanor was different. He is watchful, an air of intense confidence tightly coiled around him. “What are you doing in the middle of the night?”
“I know, but I have no time to explain.” the woman said, sobbing. “Just… help me take care of her, please.”

She showed him the baby she hugged, the baby fell asleep, safe and sound.
“What?” Man looked around the house. “No, I can’t help you, or keep your children.”
“You only have to take care of her for about three months! After that I’ll come back and pick her up. She’s the only descendant of Rivière.”
The man sighed and looked around the area of the villa, reaching out his hands. “Joyce, you own me one.”
“I know.” Woman said, use Disapparition vanished in the air.


5523 年 4 月 5 日



「什麼?!」男人環顧房子四周, 「不,我不能幫助你,也不能收留你的孩子。」


偶爾浮水的瑪莉娜 @sunny1255

Bird And Feathers
Sixteen years later.

“Watch out of the Walking Bomb!” A boy yelled and ran in the Hogwarts corridor. He ran into a group of students and shoved them out of the way. He pushed down a black cat, made it fall down. But the person who was chasing him jumps over it. He leaps over a ledge, and falls on a set of stairs, spilling books out of one the student's hands.

“What happened?” A student asked. “And what is the Walking Bomb?”
“Claire Rivière. A.K.A The Walking Bomb.” other students answered. “She’s a Slytherin. I saw her fighting with others in the Apparition class just because somebody turned her owl into a snake.”
“Merlin's beard!”

Smart clothing, a girl who was wearing a black robe, reached out her wand. The boy who was running soon became a red flapjack bird and chained by an Incarcerous spell. She took off her hoodie, walking toward the red flapjack bird. “Don’t play with fire.”
Androgynous. This is people’s first impression of her. She has a beautiful face with a blonde, undercut hairstyle. Her skin is white, eyes shine like green emeralds. She has a tiny mole under her eye socket. She grinned and was about to catch the bird, but Argus Filch was faster than her.

“Rivière!” Filch shouted, walking toward her and grabbing her right arm.“You’re always causing trouble! Students can't use magic in corridors between classes!”
“You know what? Trouble is my middle name.” Claire smiled. “My mom or dad gave it to me, but they’re dead.”
“Sounds tragic, but who cares? I’ll tell the headmaster to get fifty points off Slytherin and lock you in the Dungeons!"
“What? You can’t do that!” Claire stared at him.
“Oh I’d love to.” Filch smiled. “Turn this poor boy back. And you two go to my office.”

“What is going on? Mr. Filch?” A deep voice appeared from Filch’s back. Filch turned around and saw professor Lechat standing behind him. Early middle-age, dress elegant, a strong confidence surrounded him as he showed up.
“Oh, Professor Lechat! “ Filch smiled nervously. “I was going to punish those students who don't follow the rules!”
“Follow the rules, huh?” professor Lechat crossed his arms. “Mr. Filch, what are the rules? Exactly?”
“The…school rules?” Feeling the gaze of the professor who is taught Defense Against the Dark Arts, also head of Slytherin, Filch swallowed his saliva.

“Rules created by people, but we also should delete some rules that…old fashioned and unhealthy.” Professor Lechat said, use his wand to point at the red flapjack bird and turn it back to normal. The boy sat on the floor, looked up. “Thank you, Professor Lechat.”
“Don’t thank me.” Professor Lechat nodded his head. “What’s your name?”
“My name is Alan, sir.”
“You’re Ravenclaw, right?”
“Forget about what Filch said. Thirty points off both of the Houses.”
“What? But Professor–”
“Both of you made mistakes. Should I follow Filch’s decision or?”
“No, sir.” The boy shook his head.
“Good.” Professor Lechat said, looking at Claire. “Rivière, come to my office.”
Claire sighed, rolling her eyes. “Yes, professor.”

This isn’t the first time Claire came to the office. 

The office used by the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was located on the second-floor corridor of Castle, near a staircase to the first-floor corridor. She can remember the location so well that without the professor, she could go there by herself.

Professor office is always neat, clean. There is a door to the storage room behind the chair. A Wooden desk placed in front of the chair. Claire sat on the chair which faced the desk.

“So Claire, tell me what happened?” Professor asked, took off his glasses and  used a spell to wipe it clean. “I know you were angry, but you shouldn’t use the Transfiguration spell in the school corridor. You clearly knew that Filch would come and punish you.”
“Yeah, but that trashy Alan called me the Walking Bomb! And he stole my gem!” Claire angrily crossed her arms. “Graves, that gem is important to me! Now he has it!”
She shouted. Suddenly, her eyes turned black. Feather appeared from her wrists.
“Claire, calm down.” He moved in very close to whisper, resting a hand on her arm. “Don’t let that inner beast control you. Do you hear me?”
“No…it’s angry…it can’t stop.” Claire panting, shivering in the chair.
“Kid, breathe.”

Claire followed what Graves told her, closed her eyes and started breathing. A moment later, feathers were gone. When she opened up her eyes, it turned back to normal.

“Feel better?” Graves asked. With his wand. Two cups and a teapot floating in the air, setting themselves on the desk. “Here, drink some tea.”
“Thanks.” Claire whispered, head bowed, holding the teacup. “And…sorry Graves. I didn’t mean to.”
“You better be.” Graves smiled. “When you’re leaving, help me close the door please?”

When Claire went out of the office, she saw a girl standing in the corridor. She was taller than her, her face was diamond shape, combed-back her long blue black hair. Wearing the uniform that represents Ravenclaw.
“So, got into trouble, again?” She asked, crossing her arms. “Ms. Trouble?”
“Yes, Moe. How delightful to see you!” Claire said with a bright smile. “And your father, yes. I talked to him just a few minutes ago.”

“I heard that you turn the Ravenclaw boy into a bird.” Moe frowned.
“But he stole my gem first!” Claire refuted. “Now he still has it. I almost turn into that…thing when I am without the gem.”
“No, not anymore.” Moe reached out her hand. The gem quietly placed in her palm.
“Merlin’s beard! How did you–”
“I have my own way. Now take it, I will be late for class because of you.” Moe said, walking away after Claire got the gem.
“That’s so sweet of you, Moe!” She shouted at her figure.























黑狗潛水🐾| 音魔也是🤿 @Always4ever

I luv ur idea soooo muchhh !
And this English story is helpful for me 2 (practicing English lol

Cant wait for the next chapter (✯ᴗ✯)
Plzzz finish this masterpiece !!

But I was a bit confused...
He ran into a group of students and shoved them out of the way. He pushes down a black cat, making it fall down. 
這裡用的文法是現在進行、現在簡單還是過去式xd 有點混亂w

偶爾浮水的瑪莉娜 @sunny1255

OMG thank you so much!!
It's my pleasure that I can help you practice English XD (Even though my English still practicing haha
Yes I'll finish it ASAP!


偶爾浮水的瑪莉娜 @sunny1255

Interlude I

The bedroom was quiet, quiet enough to let anyone who entered the room would be terrified. The fear was hidden, ready to devour prey in any seconds. It was growing every day, every hour, every second. Using silence as a weapon of torture, made the enemies broken bit by bit.

“Any sign of fighting?” A woman asked, looking around. There were some bird feathers with brown blood stains on the dusty bed. A cupboard was right next to it.
“No, Ms Lechat.” Her partner, Valerie, answered. “Just blood and feathers. No sign of fighting. Probably it’s her nest for rest.”
“Maybe.” Moe pulled out the drawer. “She won’t get too far, she’s hurt.”
“Yeah, nice shot by the way. I’m sure that monster will disappear for a while now.” Valerie was waiting for her partner to respond, but after a few seconds without hearing any sound, she turned her head and saw that she was looking at a piece of note.

She moved closer, but only saw a blank paper lying in Moe’s palm. “There’s nothing.”
“There is something. Lumos.” Moe flicked her wand, putting the blank note under the light. The hidden words appeared.








偶爾浮水的瑪莉娜 @sunny1255


At night, in the common room of Slytherin. Claire sat on the couch near the fireplace, reading a book. The Bloody Baron slowly came to her side. “Hey, go to the other side. I need fire to keep me warm.”
“Ghosts don’t have to keep the body warm, because they’re dead. Like my parents.” Claire refused to move. “By the way. Where did the dead person go after they’re dead?”
“Do I look like someone who knows the answer? And your words are disrespectful to me!” The Bloody Baron’s anger let his blood stain on the clothes look more silver than before.
“I don’t know, you're a ghost.” Claire said, continue reading her book. “Now Baron, please don’t distract me while I’m preparing for the N.E.W.T? And I apologize for my disrespectful acts a few seconds ago.”
The Bloody Baron hummed and left.

“Was she talking to the Bloody Baron? How strange!” Some students were gossiping about what they saw earlier.
“I also heard that she turned a Ravenclaw student into a bird this afternoon!”
“No wonder she's a Walking Bomb.”

“What the hell did you say?” Claire couldn't help but ask, closing her book and looking at those gossip students.
“No, nothing.” One of the students answered.
Claire draws out her wand. “You have two options, one is don’t say that name in front of me, Two is I use an Inflating charm to let you float to the ceiling and feel regret about it. Now choose one you would like.”
“What are you doing?” At this moment, the Prefect walked into the common room. “Oh, it’s you again.”
“Hey Prefect, those girls are gossiping and I can’t focus on the test. Can you tell them to shut their fucking mouth?”
“But I saw you threaten those in the second grade.”
“Come on, Claire. You’re already a sixth grader, can’t you just ignore the gossip or chat around you?” Prefect said, looking at those girls. “It’s ok, none of your business here.”
Claire's hands in fist. “Fine. I’m leaving, happy now?”

She slammed the dormitory's door. Jumped onto the bed that contains ancient four-posters with green silk hangings and looked up to the silver lanterns hanging from the ceilings. Listening to the lake water lapping against the windows.

She felt so alone. Moe is the only friend she can trust, but she’s in a different house.
She knew her last name would make herself different from the others, but the situation was worse than she thought. After five years, this condition still hasn't changed much.
The Walking Bomb. That’s what the students called her. She’s good at dark magic and the Defense Against the Dark Arts. But her attacking magic was the best, no one can beat her since she challenged a six grade student when she was four grade.

She desperately needed some fresh air. The beast needed too.

“Come, beast. I need you.” She whispered. The gem on her neck (Close to the clavicle) was glowing. “Don’t you wanna take a midnight walk? We can go to the Hogsmeade if you want.”

She walked out of the dorm, holding the gem. The beast’s sensitive smell reminded her where Mrs Norris or Filch was. She successfully went to the third floor, the Gunhilda of Gorsemoor Corridor. Found a large stone statue of Gunhilda. Tapping the back of the statue with a wand. “Dissendium.”
The secret passageway opened. A short, cool stone slide appeared in the statue's hunched back. Once Claire sneaked into the passageway, the statue moved back.

The castle turned silent.

Claire walking on the street. Now it’s September, autumn makes the street humid but cool. Foggy.

She just walked out of the Honeydukes shop. Luckily no one saw her. Every step she walked, she felt more powerful, stronger than before. And relief.
She’s almost an adult, not saying Hogwarts was terrible, but she couldn’t have a normal school life with the curse and bullying.
She entered The Three Broomsticks, Madam Rosmerta already stood in the bar and waited for her. “Can’t sleep well at the castle?”
“Needless to say? I sent Albert with Sickles this morning.”
“I get your owl darling. Now go upstairs, it’s pretty late.” Madam Rosmerta showed her to the hotel room. “I prepared a cup of hot butterbeer for you.”
“Thanks, ma’m.”
“You’re welcome, little owl. Now go to sleep.”

Before sunrise, Claire woke up by a familiar sound. She turned over her body, moaning.
“Claire, wake up! It’s almost seven o’clock, you have to go back before breakfast time!”
“Huh?” Claire squinting her eyes, the sight was blurring. She couldn’t see clearly.
Strong hands shook her shoulder, someone’s long hair was brushing her face.
“Wait…Moe?” She recognized the voice. “What are you doing here?”
“No time to explain, now hurry!” Moe said, grabbed Claire’s right arm and helped her leave the bed. “Go do whatever you need to do and we’re leaving.”
Claire rolling her eyes. “You sound like your mom.”
“Claire!” Moe said strictly.

They went back to the castle through the Honeydukes secret passageway. When they walked inside the passageway, Moe spoke. “I didn’t know that you and Madam Rosmerta became friends.”
“Ha! There’s a lot of things you don’t know. I met her when we’re third grade, our first time going to Hogsmeade. I have a part time job, working for her.”
“Why do you have to get a part time job?”
“Duh, to be independent of course!” Claire stopped, looking at Moe. “I can’t…live together with your family forever! You know Adora hates me.”
“Yes, she hates you. You told me a thousand times, but I didn’t.” Moe gazed at her, moving closer. “I don’t think this is the real reason that you want to leave. Why?”
“I…” Claire choked. “I can’t…not now.”
“Let’s go, we’re gonna be late. You don’t want to be late, right?” Claire reached out. Moe holded her hand back.



「我又不知道,你可是鬼。」克萊爾道,繼續讀著她的書。「男爵,現在我正在準備N. E. W. T,請先別打擾我好嗎?然後請讓我對於方才那不尊重您的行為致上歉意。」













偶爾浮水的瑪莉娜 @sunny1255



偶爾浮水的瑪莉娜 @sunny1255


After breakfast, Moe studied in the library.

She couldn’t help but start to think about what Claire said earlier. What does that mean? Did mom do something harsh on her? Or are there other reasons?

She looked at the textbook of  Defense Against the Dark Arts, and she thought about her first time entering Hogwarts. Even before they both received the letter from Hogwarts.

“Dad! Mom! I got the letter from Hogwarts!” Little Moe ran down to the first floor. She was wearing pajamas, holding a letter and jumping around the dining room.
“Don’t jump around like a monkey, dear!” Adora said strictly. But Moe didn’t listen.
“Wonderful, pumpkin.” Graves put down his coffee, kissing his daughter's cheek. “We’re going to Diagon Alley today.”
“What about Claire? Is she going with us too?”
“Well–” Graves took a peek upstairs.
“Well, I’m afraid she can’t.” Adora said. “If she goes with us to Diagon Alley, she must receive the letter.”

“I already got one.” Little Claire’s voices appeared from the stairs. Her hair was longer at that time compared with nowadays. She walked toward and throwed the letter on the table.
“That’s great, do you want to come with us?” Graves asked.
Adora frowned. “Darling–”
“No. I can go there by myself.” Claire rejected.
Graves looked at her. “It’s too dangerous for little witches like you to go there alone.”
“I can handle that.”
"Claire, come with us. I’m sure you won’t regret it.” Moe holding her hands, begging.
“Alright.” A pause, Claire nodded.

Ten minutes later, Graves took two girls into Diagon Alley. After many years, the Diagon Alley was still the same. After purchasing the necessary supplies, they entered the Ollivanders.

“The shop looks so shabby…achoo!” Claire sneezes, looking around this narrow shop. Thousands of boxes containing wands were piled right up to the ceiling of the shop, the whole place had a thin layer of dust on it.
“I’m sorry to make you feel uncomfortable.” Mr. Ollivanders stood up from a spindly chair in the corner.
“Ah!” Claire was shocked. “Oh, sorry sir. I didn’t see you were there.”
“Hello, Lechat. Hello, Rivière. Welcome to the Ollivanders.” Mr. Ollivanders said with a soft voice. He moved closer to Moe. “You have your father’s personality, with your mother’s appearance. Your mother’s wand has a shell design, simple but elegant. 13 inches long, elm, the core is unicorn hair. Oh! I remember the first day your father bought his wand. Your father’s wand is 14 inches long, ebony, dividing the main tip and the handle is a silver band, core is White River Monster spine. “
“It was a long time ago. “ Graves blushed.
“Indeed. But I still remember.” Mr. Ollivanders smiled, found a box and opened it. “Now Ms. Lechat, try this.”

Moe took the wand, waved around a bit. But Mr. Ollivanders snatched it back. “No, try this. 12 and a quarter inches long, springy, made with Larch.”
Moe holded the wand and took a look at it. It had a blue jeweled handle, quite simple, classic, tipped with a silver clasp around it. When she touched the wand and held it in her right hand, she felt warm, cozy in her fingers. She raised the wand above her head and turned around, brought out blue, white sparks and threw the light to the ceiling.

“Amazing, absolutely amazing!” Mr. Ollivanders clapped his hands. “The wand chooses the wizard, now it’s yours.” He turned his head and looked at Claire. “Now it’s your turn. Ms. Rivière.”

Mr. Ollivanders handed over a wand. “Try this. 11 and a quarter inches long, dark rosewood, heartstrings of dragons.”
She was flicking the wand, but Mr. Ollivanders snatched it back and gave her another. And then snacthed the wand back again. “No--no, not this one. Try this.” Mr. Ollivanders handed to her another wand. After seeing her almost burn a hole on the wall, Mr. Ollivanders took the wand back again.

“Ah, try this. 12 inches long, vine, Phoenix feathers, solid.” He opened a box, there’s a wand lying inside. The handle has a pattern like claws extending out of the end.
When she held the wand, she felt different. A strong power like water fluid inside her. She reached out and pointed at the ceiling, every object began to rot, turn black, and corrode.
“Make it stop. She’s going to destroy the shop!” Moe said, but Mr. Ollivanders reached out a hand. “No, no need. This is interesting, very interesting.”
“But Mr. Ollivanders–”
“Oh! Right, that’s enough.” Mr. Ollivanders nodded, took back the wand. And the magic started to reverse. “Congratulations! This wand chooses you.”

Graves paid fourteen gold Gallons for two girls' wands. When they left, Mr. Ollivanders bowed from his shop.
“What happened back there?” Moe asked worriedly. “You almost destroyed the shop!”
“I--I don’t know…” Claire shook her head. “I don't know what is going on…”
“Claire, Moe.” Graves rests his hands on girls' shoulders. “There's nothing to worry about.”

This is the last month Moe and Claire stayed in the Lechat villa. Adora hosts a party before they’re going to Hogwarts and celebrates Moe’s birthday.

Guests were in the living room. Crowed, loudly chatting with others. House-elf were busy sending the cakes to guests.
“Moe! You’re going to study at the best magic school in the world, right?” Aunt Avery said, patting her head. When she’s getting closer, a strong smell of perfume around her. Moe almost vomited the cake she ate ten minutes ago.
“Yes, aunt Avery. Good to see you.”
“Lovely! You know, your mother is just like a star when she studied at Hogwarts! ”
“Yes, you told me about it.”
“It’s a shame she quit her musician job to raise children like you. Also, she married a Lechat…” Aunt Avery took a glance at Graves, who was talking to the Minister for Magic. “Your father, he’s really handsome. Isn't it?”

Moe was happy to see Aunt Avery. But she’s looking for someone.
“Anna.” Moe turned her head, saw her mother was standing behind her. “The past is in the past. Today is her birthday.”
Aunt Avery gazed at her little sister. “Right.” She walked toward her, whispered. “ Don’t mess up the reputation of Avery. You're pure blood.”
“I know.” Adora said, turning her head to seek her children. But Moe was already gone.

In the bedroom which is located on the second floor. Claire sat down in bed, holding her legs. Looked at the owl in the cage. “Albert, if you want to get out of the cage. What would you do?”

“Claire!” Moe hugged her by surprise. “Moe?” She looked at her, her hazel eyes shining like gems. “What’s wrong? Aren’t you having fun at your birthday party?”
“Umm…”Moe sat down beside her, head bowed. “No. That’s just my parents’ social party. Not the birthday party I was thinking about.”
“Thinking about what?”
“There’s only me, you, and my parents.”Moe looked back, smiled. “But it looks like it’s hard to achieve.”
Claire hugged her. “It’s OK. We can celebrate together. Study together at Hogwarts! Oh! Even take over the world together! Nothing can stop us! Our rivals shall be CRUSHED beneath our feet! ”
Moe giggled, hugged her back. “Yeah, sure thing.”








「太棒了,南瓜。」葛雷夫放下咖啡,親吻女兒的臉頰。 「我們今天要去斜角巷。」
「嗯,恐怕她不能跟我們一起去了。」阿朵拉說。 「如果她和我們一起去斜角巷,她必須收到信。」

阿朵拉皺眉。 「親愛的——」
葛雷夫看著她。 「像妳這樣的小女巫一個人去對妳來說太危險了。」



「你好,勒查特。你好,里維埃。歡迎來到奧利凡德。」奧利凡德先生輕聲說道。他靠近了莫兒。 「你有你父親的性格,有你母親的長相。你媽媽的魔杖有一個貝殼設計,簡單而優雅。十三英寸長,榆木,芯為獨角獸毛。哦!我還記得你父親買魔杖的第一天。你父親的魔杖長十四英寸,烏木,柄為銀帶,芯是白河妖脊。」


莫兒拿起魔杖,左右揮舞。但奧利凡德斯先生把它搶了回來。 「不,試試這個。 十二英寸長,有彈性,由落葉松製成。」

「太棒了,真的是太棒了!」奧利凡德先生拍了拍手。 「魔杖選擇巫師,現在是你的了。」他轉過頭,看向克萊爾。 「現在輪到你了。里維埃女士。」
奧利凡德先生遞上一根魔杖。 「試試這個。 十一又四分之一英寸長,深色紅木,龍的心弦。」

她揮動魔杖,但奧利凡德斯先生一把奪回了它,又給了她一根。然後又把魔杖奪了回來。 「不——不,不是這個。試試看這個。」奧利凡德先生遞給她另一根魔杖。在看到她差點在牆上燒出一個洞後,又把魔杖拿了回來。
「啊,試試這個。 十二英寸長,藤蔓,鳳凰羽毛,實心。」他打開一個盒子,裡面放著一根魔杖。手柄具有從末端伸出的爪狀圖案。


「讓她停下來。她要毀了這家店!」莫兒說道,但奧利凡德斯先生伸出了一根手指頭。 「不,不需要。這很有趣,非常有趣。」
「哦,對,這就夠了。」奧利凡德先生點點頭,收回了魔杖。魔法開始消散。 「恭喜!這根魔杖選擇了你。」


「那裡發生了什麼事?」莫兒擔心的問道。 「妳差點毀了那家店!」







偶爾浮水的瑪莉娜 @sunny1255


After they entered Hogwarts, the Sorting Ceremony was about to begin. Moe was surprised to see her father sitting together with professors. “Dad?” She whispered, but Graves didn’t see her.
“Wait, the new professor is your father?” A girl who heard her voice asked. Moe put one finger on her lips, telling the girl to keep the secret.
“Oh, wait…is that…Graves?” Claire noticed too. But she didn’t have too much time to think, the ceremony had already begun.

“Gwen Rosewood!”
“Ethan McGonagall!”
“Claire Rivière!”

Claire stood up, walking toward the Sorting Hat and put it on. At the same time, she heard some rumors.
“Wait, Rivière? That Rivière?”
“That must be their children. Joyce Rivière and Vincent Rivière, they were the most wanted. They commit a lot of crimes in the two worlds. Include Muggles and the Wizarding world.”
“Oh my.”

“Hmm…bold, smart. But the darkness covers it too much…there’s a power inside of you.” The Sorting Hat murmured. After one minute, it made a decision. “Slytherin!”

The students from Slytherin clapped their hands with no smiled. It was hard for her to find a place to sit down. When she found it, Moe’s part had already finished.
After the Sorting Ceremony, Claire found Moe with a group of students that belong to the Ravenclaw. She was welcomed by those students.

“So! “ said Leona Lovegood, the principal of Hogwarts, smiling around them all. “Now we’re all finished with the meal, I must ask for your attention, while I give out a few notices.
“Mr. Filch, the caretaker, has asked me to tell you that the students using magic in the corridors is not permitted.
“It is also my duty to inform you that Mrs. Harven retired. So we’re having a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.” Lovegood turned her sight on Graves, who was sitting beside the professor Longbottom. “Introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Professor Lechat.”
Students greet the new staff member with applause. Graves smiled and stood up, waving his hand to students.
But the atmosphere was already different after Lovegood said Graves last name. Some Ravenclaw students looked at the place where Moe sat, with a confused, surprised look.
“Oh man, that’s really him.” Claire murmured. “But why didn't he tell us?”

After finishing the school song, students were going to their dorm. At the same time, Graves came to find Claire. “Rivière, may I have a word with you?”
“Yes, Professor Lechat.” Claire nodded and followed him to his office.

“So, Graves, “ Claire spoke when Graves closed the door. “Why didn’t you tell us about this whole…professor thing?”
“I don’t want to give you and Moe pressure. And I want it to be low-profile.” Graves said, “But this isn’t the reason I speak to you.” He took out something from his pocket, a gem lying on his palm.
Claire was confused. “What is this?”

“Do you remember when we’re at the Ollivanders?” Graves said, “It’s time to tell you the truth.”
“What truth? I know I’m not a part of Lechat but–”
“Remember what I told you about your parents?”
“My mom told you to take care of me before they were dead. And they were criminals in two worlds.”
“Right. But there’s something I didn’t tell you.” A pause, “When I was an Auror, our heads of the office, Harry Potter, appointed me to solve the cases. Was about the group that your parents belong to. “

“My parents? Belong to a group?” Claire was surprised.
“Yes. And your mother was my informant.”
“So she’s not terrible as those people said.” Claire smiled with no emotions.
“If this will comfort you at some point.” Graves continues, “One day, she told me that she couldn’t help me anymore.
“The head of the group already discovered who she was, and he punished her. Using an ancient beast curse that it would never recover. And that curse had an impact on you.”

“What?” Claire was shocked. Through the reflection of his glasses, she saw her eyes turned black. “Ah! What happened to my eyes?”
“Don’t panic, it’s Ok.” Graves grabbed her arms, handed over the gem. “Take a deep breath.“ Claire did what he said, held the gem. Her eyes turned normal. “Take this gem as an amulet. This would help you keep track of the beast's energy. Do not lose it. Ok?” Saw Claire nodded, Graves smiled. “Now let me take you back to the common room.”




偶爾浮水的瑪莉娜 @sunny1255

Interlude II

The cold air almost froze the people walking in the streets of Hogsmeade. Valerie and Moe stood in front of the front door of the Hog's Head Inn.
“Why did you bring us here?” Valerie asked. “That paper only wrote a word, it didn’t tell you the location. And there’s a lot of shops selling Butterbeer.”

“That’s enough. I know what she means.” Moe walked toward the door, but Valerie grabbed her hand immediately.

“Don’t.” Valerie looked worried. “I’m coming with you.”
Moe frowned. “No, Valerie. I need you to stay out of this. Just wait outside.” She opened the door.

The Hog’s Head bar was a small, dingy, and very dirty room. Moe closed the door and soon she smelled something strong, might have been goats. Windows were encrusted with grime. A very little daylight could permeate the room, stubs of candles sitting on rough wooden tables.

She saw a hooded figure sitting in the corner of the room, drinking a cup of Butterbeer. Moe walked toward with no doubt, grabbing a chair and sitting in front of her.

“I saw your note left in the apartment.” She spoke. The hooded stranger nodded, reaching out one hand that was covered with feathers. “It’s getting worse, huh? Do you find any solution?”

The stranger shook her head.

“You have to hide it, or it only causes danger. I don’t wanna hurt you again–”
Claire sighed, took off her hood and showed her dark, black eyes. “No, the beast refuses to hide anymore.”
